Esri Utility Network – Load Summary Report Using Electric Network Data

February 9, 2017 — Corey Blakeborough  [5:06]

The features of Esri’s utility network (now in beta) can be utilized to generate reports using the built-in chart features of ArcGIS Pro. In this video, you’ll learn all about the Esri Utility Network Load Summary Report. This report will let you better understand and manage load within your utility network environment. For more information about and more free demonstrations of the new ArcGIS Utility Network Management Extension from Esri, browse additional SSP TV videos.

Learn about the SSP Utility Network Jumpstart program here.

You can also reach out to SSP Innovations directly for answers to your unique and specific questions about the utility network. Contact us here.


Hi, I'm Corey Blakeborough with SSP Innovations, and I'm here today to show you how to use your Utility Network data to create a load summary report off your electric network. Keep in mind as we go through this, that you can use this functionality to analyze your data in a lot of different ways, all geared toward keeping your networks healthy.

So, we have some exciting news here. We are going to be running this demo in a new beta 1 release of Utility Network, and we are going to run off published services as well. Right now we are viewing the entire electric network. We want to analyze one specific circuit, and that's modeled as a subnetwork here in the Esri Utility Network data model. So, the first thing that we want to do here is find our circuit breaker. We are going to use the out of the box select by attribute tool to find it in this demo.

We are going to specify the circuit breaker as the layer name. Here in the expression, we are going to add a where clause. It's important to note, we would want to search based on what's called a subnetwork name. Now, if you've been paying attention to our previous videos, you might already know that in an electric network (using Utility Network) the subnetwork name also corresponds to the circuit name or the feeder id. So, if we plug in the feeder id under our subnetwork name and add that as a where clause.

When we run this tool, it will actually go ahead and select our one feature which is our circuit breaker for the RMT001 circuit. Since it completed successfully we can go and take a look at where that feature is. So, it's over here on the south side substation. Now we are going to go ahead and set that circuit breaker as the starting point for a trace. The idea here is that we are going to run a subnetwork trace to select all of the features in our circuit. In order to run our trace, we are going to have to start our starting trace location. So, we will go over here to our trace location pane.

From here, we are going to load our selected features in. That will populate our circuit breaker here as a starting point. We are going to change the terminal from source to load. This will indicate that we are going to trace from the low side of the circuit breaker instead of the source side. And, we are going to run our geoprocessing tool. We have a specific model built already to kind of simplify some components of the subnetwork trace so we can just hit it, click run, and it'll specify the necessary parameters in the back end for an electric trace. This saves us a little bit of time. We'll go ahead and hit run here.

So, as you can see we have selected 8,848 features back, so let's take a look at all these features. As you can see, these selected features can represent the extent of our sub network or our circuit. At this point, what we want to do is go over to our contents and expand this distribution device group layer. We are looking for the service point layer that represents the hashtag group in the Utility Network, and we're going to right click that. Under create charts, we're going to create a bar chart. So, over here in our chart panel we want to create a load summary report, so we are going to go ahead and choose the category based on that criteria.

We are going to select phases normal as our category. Aggregation of count works exactly for what we need. So pretty much everything there is as we need it to be. After we enter in all of our variables here you can see that a chart actually has been already been populated for us, showing us the counts of each service point grouped by their phase. This is exactly what we want for our load summary report. We can do a couple of extra things with it at this point.

If we go back over here to our chart pane, in the general tab we can change a couple of different aspects of the chart. I am going to go ahead and call it the load summary report, and you can see here that it changes down there in the report automatically. We'll keep everything else the same for now. Now I have my load summary report ready and available for use within ArcGIS Pro. It's worth mentioning that you can also export this report to an image file to do things like print, email, or anything you need to do with that analysis.

So, it's worth noting that the charting functionality that we used here today is not necessarily specific to Utility Network. It is actually usable throughout Esri ArcGIS Pro. So, what I want you to focus on here is how easily the Utility Network was able to provide us with this data. The information was right at our finger tips. Essentially, what you should think about here is how this data and Utility Network functionality can help enable you to understand your data and your networks better.

Hopefully, that helps. Thank you, guys, for watching and I'll see you next time.

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Corey Blakeborough

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