SSP Replay

Replay Edits Into A Versioned Geodatabases

Save Your Edits and Replay Them Into a Production Geodatabase

SSP Replay and SSP Delta

Do you have a versioned database and need to reach State Zero to perform critical activities, such as data reprojection or conflation? Are outstanding versions you can’t delete making this difficult? SSP Replay is the first and only solution on the market to help utilities make large-scale updates to their production environment — without losing their versions or the edits within them. For years, this technology has been helping utilities nationwide execute conflation, migration, data model updates, maintenance, and more, when it otherwise seemed impossible.

SSP Replay Product Features

SSP Replay relies on proprietary version management functionality to help your utility perform critical activities to your production GIS. A typical project using this technology may include:

Automated Batch Run
Version Extraction
Unversioning of Geodatabase
Enablement of Enterprise GIS Changes at State Zero

Complete State Tree Compression
Post-Extraction QA/QC Processes
Replay of Extracted Versions
Ability to QA/QC Replayed Versions